Source code for asmd.utils

import pathlib
from typing import Union, Tuple
import numpy as np
from essentia.standard import EasyLoader as Loader
from essentia.standard import MetadataReader

[docs]def nframes(dur, hop_size=3072, win_len=4096) -> float: """ Compute the numbero of frames given a total duration, the hop size and window length. Output unitiy of measure will be the same as the inputs unity of measure (e.g. samples or seconds). N.B. This returns a float! """ return (dur - win_len) / hop_size + 1
[docs]def frame2time(frame: int, hop_size=3072, win_len=4096) -> float: """ Takes frame index (int) and returns the corresponding central sample The output will use the same unity of measure as ``hop_size`` and ``win_len`` (e.g. samples or seconds). Indices start from 0. Returns a float! """ return frame * hop_size + win_len / 2
[docs]def time2frame(time, hop_size=3072, win_len=4096) -> int: """ Takes a time position and outputs the best frame representing it. The input must use the same unity of measure for ``time``, ``hop_size``, and ``win_len`` (e.g. samples or seconds). Indices start from 0. Returns and int! """ return round((time - win_len / 2) / hop_size)
[docs]def open_audio(audio_fn: Union[str, pathlib.Path]) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, int]: """ Open the audio file in `audio_fn` and returns a numpy array containing it, one row for each channel (only Mono supported for now) and the orginal sample_rate """ reader = MetadataReader(filename=str(audio_fn), filterMetadata=True) sample_rate = reader()[-2] if sample_rate == 0: raise RuntimeError("No sample rate metadata in file " + str(audio_fn)) loader = Loader(filename=str(audio_fn), sampleRate=sample_rate, endTime=1e+07) return loader(), sample_rate
[docs]def f0_to_midi_pitch(f0): """ Return a midi pitch (in 0-127) given a frequency value in Hz """ return 12 * np.log2(f0 / 440) + 69
[docs]def midi_pitch_to_f0(midi_pitch): """ Return a frequency given a midi pitch (in 0-127) """ return 440 * 2**((midi_pitch - 69) / 12)
[docs]def mat2midipath(mat, path): """ Writes a midi file from a mat like asmd: pitch, start (sec), end (sec), velocity If `mat` is empty, just do nothing. """ import pretty_midi as pm if len(mat) > 0: # creating pretty_midi.PrettyMIDI object and inserting notes midi = pm.PrettyMIDI() midi.instruments = [pm.Instrument(0)] for row in mat: velocity = int(row[3]) if velocity < 0: velocity = 80 midi.instruments[0].notes.append( pm.Note(velocity, int(row[0]), float(row[1]), float(row[2]))) # writing to file midi.write(path)
[docs]def midipath2mat(path): """ Open a midi file with one instrument track and construct a mat like asmd: pitch, start (sec), end (sec), velocity Rows are sorted by onset, pitch and offset (in this order) """ import pretty_midi as pm out = [] for instrument in pm.PrettyMIDI(midi_file=path).instruments: for note in instrument.notes: out.append([note.pitch, note.start, note.end, note.velocity]) # sort by onset, pitch and offset out = np.array(out) ind = np.lexsort([out[:, 2], out[:, 0], out[:, 1]]) return out[ind]
[docs]def mat_stretch(mat, target): """ Changes times of `mat` in-place so that it has the same average BPM and initial time as target. Returns `mat` changed in-place. """ in_times = mat[:, 1:3] out_times = target[:, 1:3] # normalize in [0, 1] in_times -= in_times.min() in_times /= in_times.max() # restretch new_start = out_times.min() in_times *= (out_times.max() - new_start) in_times += new_start return mat