
I suggest to clone this repo and to use it with python >= 3.6. If you need to use it in multiple projects (or folders), just clone the code and fix the install_dir in datasets.json, so that you can have only one copy of the huge datasets.

The following describes how to install dependecies needed for the usage of the dataset API. I suggest to use poetry to manage different versions of python and virtual environments with an efficient dependency resolver.

During the installation, the provided ground-truth will be extracted; however, you can recreate them from scratch for tweaking parameters. The next section will explain how you can achieve this.

The easy way

  1. pip install asmd
  2. Install wget if you want SMD dataset (next release will remove this dependency)
  3. Run python -m asmd.install and follows the steps

The hard way (if you want to contribute)

Once you have cloned the repo follow these steps:

Install poetry, pyenv and python

  1. Install wget if you want SMD dataset (next release will remove this dependency)
  2. Install python 3
  3. Install poetry
  4. Install pyenv and fix your .bashrc (optional)
  5. pyenv install 3.6.9 (optional, recommended python >= 3.6.9)
  6. poetry new myproject
  7. cd myproject
  8. pyenv local 3.6.9 (optional, recommended python >= 3.6.9)

Setup new project or testing

  1. git clone
  2. poetry add asmd/
  3. Execute poetry run python -m asmd.install; alternatively run poetry shell and then python -m asmd.install
  4. Follow the steps

Now you can start developing in the parent directory (myproject) and you can use from asmd import audioscoredataset as asd.

Use poetry to manage packages of your project.

Alternative way

  1. clone the project.
  2. to build the modules in place, run poetry run python build_ext --inplace
  3. create an ad-hoc directory for testing anywhere:
    1. copy there the original pyproject.toml
    2. install the needed dependencies with poetry update
    3. export the PYTHONPATH environment variable: e.g. export PYTHONPATH="path/to/asmd".

You’re now ready to use ASMD without downloading it from PyPI.

To create the python package, just run poetry build.